Music: Go Birch & Holly Alice | Lyrics: Go Birch.
Guests: Holly Alice on acoustic guitar
Written just on acoustic guitar this song improved greatly with help from Holly Alice and Neils vocals

Music: Go Birch & Holly Alice | Lyrics: Go Birch.
Guests: Emily Gray on vocals | Holly Alice on acoustic guitar and backing vocals
When I told Holly this title was taken from a Steve Harley song, she set up a vocal track and added the ‘Come Up and See Me’ oh la la’s. Emily Gray is a superstar in her own right too.

When I Hold You (Holly’s Song)
Music & Lyrics: Go Birch.
Too difficult for words now.

Here Comes The Hurt (Again)
Music & Lyrics: Go Birch.
Guests: John Hawkins on backing vocals
One of our family favourites

Music & Lyrics: Go Birch.
A story about obsession when I wrote it, probably fall under stalking now!

Music & Lyrics: Go Birch.
Perhaps another story of obsession, plus love and lust

A Chance of Heaven
Music & Lyrics: Go Birch.
God, A Chance of Heaven, Seventy Four and The Motive were all written to be listened to together as one complete story.

Second-Hand Moon
Music: Go Birch, Neil John Birchall & Ian Paul Rushbury | Lyrics: Go Birch.
Guests: Ian Paul Rushbury on bass
This one went through a through variations before settling on this version, an amalgamation of the original version off the 8 track and a later re-working with Neil on vocals.

What Are You Doing Tonight?
Music: Go Birch & Phillip Middleton | Lyrics: Go Birch.
Guests: Ian Paul Rushbury on bass
The first song I ever put music too, thanks to the help of Phil Middleton, reworked and updated for this version

I Walked Away
Music & Lyrics: Go Birch.
Guests: Ben Hutchinson on guitar
I wrote this as a piano and string piece until Ben, a friend of Hollys came into the studio to had guitar to one of Hollys’ song and reworked the riffs onto guitar and added the other parts too

Music & Lyrics: Go Birch.
Guests: Holly Alice on acoustic guitar and Ian Paul Rushbury on bass
Described as a true story from a fictional life, this track is an imagined take on my life in Birmingham, and his part of the God trilogy

The Motive (’74 part 4)
Music & Lyrics: Go Birch.
Described as a true story from a fictional life, this track is an imagined take on my life in Birmingham, and his part of the God trilogy
God – The Video
A Chance Of Heaven – The Video